Party Line Project 2024
"Sniffing Flowers" by Angela McPherson
"Divide & Conquer" by Carol Kolf
"Bee and Flower" by Kathy Hammond
"Bloom Where You are Planted" by Rhonda Schmeltzer
"Milkweed Bliss" by Susan Sawatzky
"Imagine Flying" by Susan Garrity
"Flamingo!" by Debra Zelenak
"O Sunny Day" by Heidi Heuerman Smith
"Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay" by Lisa Charles
"Last Night in Paradise" by Susan Garrity
"Sunset Sails" by Philippa Lack
"Tranquility" by Susan Sawatzky
"A Whisper of Light" by Susan Garrity
"Morning Glory" by April Pendleton
"Raggedy Forest" by Joan Sowada
"Sunset" by Debra Zelenak
"Out on a Limb" by Carol Kolf