Dennis Ahearn
These three painted triptychs come from a much larger series of paintings. The title of the series is Reflections
Around the Daily Year. This series consists of 122 triptychs. These 366 9x6" rectangles correspond to the days
in the year 2020. This series was started just after the first lockdown due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. These
paintings come from nothing. This means there is no physical source material, no model, no still life, no
reference. There is just the blank sheet of paper and what is going through the artist's mind and hand at that
moment. So, one could say, they come from nothing but can contain everything. The words in the paintings
come from two year-long daily meditation books the artist reads from and gains inspiration. This is the only
variable the paintings are accountable to and also serves as the basis for their titles.
Around the Daily Year. This series consists of 122 triptychs. These 366 9x6" rectangles correspond to the days
in the year 2020. This series was started just after the first lockdown due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. These
paintings come from nothing. This means there is no physical source material, no model, no still life, no
reference. There is just the blank sheet of paper and what is going through the artist's mind and hand at that
moment. So, one could say, they come from nothing but can contain everything. The words in the paintings
come from two year-long daily meditation books the artist reads from and gains inspiration. This is the only
variable the paintings are accountable to and also serves as the basis for their titles.
Lean Life Back on a Powerful Tradition
Acrylic and Graphite on Paper
9" x 18"
Acrylic and Graphite on Paper
9" x 18"