Daniel Florin Tomoiaga Lerwick is a visual artist who believes strongly in the art of photography, language, and writing. He is the author of “Underneath It All,” a collection of work produced through photography as his medium, raising awareness towards the role society currently plays toward the stigma of authority. His work has appeared in the South Dakota Sustainability and Tourism project for his poetic writing, A Message to the Grasshoppers. His work has appeared in numerous juried shows including Black Hills State University’s: Lower Photographer’s Gallery(2018), The Dahl Fine Art Center(2019). The Matthews Opera House(2019,2020,2021).
His work received national recognition as a top finalist “Best of Photography 2018” in Photographer’s FORUM, ‘Magazine for the Emerging Professional’. Daniel received Certificate in Photography and his BA in Business, Education, and Art from Black Hills State University (2019), He is currently working throughout the South Dakota region as a strong advocate for all the artistic communities.
His work received national recognition as a top finalist “Best of Photography 2018” in Photographer’s FORUM, ‘Magazine for the Emerging Professional’. Daniel received Certificate in Photography and his BA in Business, Education, and Art from Black Hills State University (2019), He is currently working throughout the South Dakota region as a strong advocate for all the artistic communities.